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Filtered queries

In this section, you'll see how to filter queries:

You can try this directly in our alphanet indexer's playground or in our mainnet indexer's playground

You can use any of the graphql generated filters to filter your data depending on your requirements:

Query NFTs filtered by Owner and by price field.​

(PriceRounded = to CAPS amount)

query {  nftEntities(    filter: {      and: [        { priceRounded: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: 1000 } }        {          owner: { equalTo: "5E4FWi7Vo8mFvSB1xNz3pMXodR3WDJ3TASgkeP8jDuB3dG1Y" }        }      ]    }    first: 10    offset: 0  ) {    totalCount    nodes {      nftId      owner      timestampList      priceRounded      marketplaceId    }  }}

You can access all the different filter in the schema tab on the right panel of the graphql playground.
