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Some aggregation plugins are available to count some data. You can use them in simple queries.

If you look at the indexer playground docs and schema on the right panel, you can see some aggregate fields. They allow to make some mathematical calculations for some specific datas. Let's keep the example to query some NFT filtered by a specific owner and calculate the total amount in CAPS for each listed NFT.

query {  nftEntities(    filter: {      owner: { equalTo: "5CDGXH8Q9DzD3TnATTG6qm6f4yR1kbECBGUmh2XbEBQ8Jfa5" }    }  ) {    totalCount    aggregates {      sum {        priceRounded      }    }    nodes {      nftId      owner      creator      collectionId      offchainData      priceRounded    }  }}

The expected outcome will be :

...aggregates: {        sum: {          priceRounded: 39900        }      },...
